Smart Cities and Municipalities Congress and Exhibition 2020

"Smart Cities and Municipalities Convention and Exhibition" Turkey Union of Municipalities (TBB) by the Presidential patronage of Environment and Urbanization Ministry of Industry and Technology Ministry in collaboration with the 15 to 16 January 2020 was held at the ATO Congresium ..                             

The opening speeches of the congress, which aims to accelerate the transition to smart cities by bringing together managers and experts on the subject, were made by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Minister of Environment and Urbanization, Murat Kurum, Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank, and TBB and Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Fatma Şahin. .                             

President Erdoğan: "We do not want to see our country as a technology dumpster."                             

The important studies of municipalities with smart cities in his speech noted that implement President Erdogan, "Some municipalities our know already about smart cities and institutional capacity building as well as they take steps to actual applications. All these preparations Turkey, on smart cities among the leading countries of the world Municipalities have a wide potential in the fields of infrastructure, security, energy, management, education and training, health, building and transportation within the framework of the smart city concept. used expressions.


As far as the quality of life of people can be increased and facilitated with smart city services, President Erdogan said that the level of ownership of this business can be kept at a higher level, and that the road to brand cities targets goes through smart city solutions.                             

Stating that technology investments require a serious resource, Erdogan said, "The important thing is that the result of the financial burden to be determined for this work can be determined correctly. If this balance can be established well, it can be taken with the support of investors besides the municipal budget. it is not. " he said.                             

President Erdoğan pointed out that this issue will be seen as a wide application area considering the great transformation that the new generation technology infrastructure will cause in human life, and it is critical that all smart solution applications to be implemented by municipalities, other institutions or the private sector are compatible with each other. he. Erdogan continued his words as follows: "Otherwise, Turkey, the technology returns to the dump. We do not want to see our country as a technology dumpster. For this, both our ministry and our related institutions should play a leading role in both our Union of Municipalities of Turkey. If necessary, we have to take every necessary precaution regarding the establishment of a compatible technology infrastructure, including providing a legal infrastructure to this job. "


Minister Varank calls for mayors to use domestic products.


Minister Varank stated that it is one of the priority areas of urbanization, and that they strive to create cities with high quality of life and value. In Turkey, municipalities began in 1950 and which brings sociological changes with new challenges in rural areas is inadequate against the wave of urban migration reminding Varank, the most striking examples of the period in question that one of the Istanbul drew attention. Minister Varank emphasized that in 1994, the population of Istanbul was 8 million and the number of slums was 640 thousand, and that President Erdoğan created a solution when he was elected as the metropolitan mayor.                                                          

Calling the mayors to use domestic products, Varank said: "Thanks to the scale of public investments and purchases, we can achieve localization and nationalization in many areas. You can benefit from our technical consultancy at the highest level. Never allow applications that exclude domestic goods in the tender specifications prepared. The investments you make may be urgent, but this should never take you away from the supply of domestic goods. We should accept the locality and nationality as a must-have principle for total development. If we can demonstrate the will, there will be no obstacles to our success in defense in many areas. "

During the reign of President Erdogan's Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization Murat Kurum, who reminded that white desk, integrated wastewater treatment and landfill processes, smart transportation services were introduced, was again led by Erdogan "National Smart Cities Strategy and Action Plan underlined that "was prepared.


Minister Institution: "We are developing each city's unique smart city strategies."                             

of the action plan first in Turkey in the world, America, the Netherlands and that it bears the fourth of its kind after Australia expressing Authority, "represents almost the beginning of a new era for our city. Smart city applications, to perform regional and on a national scale We are implementing a new system in which all our provinces are integrated with each other. We focus on the urgent needs of our cities, and develop the unique smart city strategies of each city. " he said.                             

Our Union and Gaziantep Metropolitan Mayor Fatma Şahin started her speech by thanking President Erdoğan and the ministers who contributed to the congress. "We see how important smart cities are to touch the lives of people," said President Şahin, stating that cities are "smart cities" within a strategy, and said that smart cities consist of components such as leadership, vision, budget, citizen-oriented work, technology, and culture. Drawing attention to the importance of technology development, Şahin said, "We cannot only be a market, we have to be the center of production. We make great efforts to move to national and domestic production. We are writing a new story, we will write our new growth story with R&D, innovation, technology and environmentally sensitive urbanism. "


3 sessions, 12 panels and 6 seminars were held


On the first day of the event, three main sessions, titled "Basic Policies for Smart Cities", "Our Cities Transforming with Innovative Local Policies" and "Smart Cities and International Cooperation" were held. The second day of the congress started with the panel titled “Smart City Technologies”. High-level representatives from technology organizations such as TÜRKSAT, ASELSAN, Türk Telekom and İSBAK took part in the panel, where technological developments in our country and in the world were discussed. In the congress and seminars, which continue with 12 panels and 6 seminars, such as smart city technologies, smart environment and nature-based solutions, investment and financial management in smart cities, smart district applications, smart city architecture, information security, etc. issues, problems, solutions and suggestions were discussed.


The event, which continued throughout the day at ATO Congressium Ankara, ended with the closing speech of TBB Secretary General Birol Ekici. He thanked all institutions, organizations and participants who contributed to the congress. Growers convention and exhibition explaining that approximately 15 thousand guests entertained, noted that Turkey was an important step in the smart city journey.

Images from the Fair